Saturday, March 23, 2013

Food Glorious Food

Well, if you can call rice cereal food, that is.

Today, Shaina reached another milestone and tried solid food for the first time.  Although she didn't know what to do with it at first, as you can see from the photos and video below, she took to it pretty well.  And if she's willing to eat rice cereal without a fight, that bodes well for the future.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shaina Turns 4 Months Old

It's hard to believe our beautiful little Shaina is already 4 months old! This past month brought a lot of excitement as she learned how to giggle, shriek, and roll over. She also started sleeping through the night, which is a blessing for both mommy and daddy! We love watching her grow.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snowquester 2013

Shaina had a front row seat to watch the snow fall today, even though she is too young to go out and play in it. Also, it was her first time in the Bumbo seat, which she now loves.

Cupcake Cousins

Shaina recently visited her almost 8-month-old cousin Leah for a playdate at Stephanie and Jeff's house. The two wore their matching cupcake outfits--a first of many matching outfits to come! Shaina looks forward to hanging out again soon, especially since she enjoyed playing with many of Leah's toys!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shaina-Brendan playdate

With just two weeks to go until the nanny share starts, Shaina took the opportunity to get to know her new playmate Brendan. They bonded while hanging out on the lamb mat and played with Sophie the giraffe.